Televisions are presented by Sony W705B 2014, W705C in 2015.

If you compare the specifications differ in different screen sizes if W705B offered with screen sizes of 32, 42, 50 inches is W705C with screens 32, 40, 48. This may indicate a variety of matrices to TV manufacturers although most matrices are available LG.

Sony W705C
Sony W705C

For other characteristics comparable TVs, except for the index action scenes in the model in 2014, he claimed 400 units in 2015 to 200 units.

Given that the models have similar design and the fact that the model W705B 2014 is no longer produced, it can be more likely to assume that W705C is the same TV with the previous model, and having similar characteristics is intended to update the model range of the new model of television in 2015.

In fact it is almost the same TV and assembled most likely on the same platform.

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