Dime Solomin / Unsplash

Telegram nowadays is one of the most popular messaging platforms which attracts new users every day due to its simplicity and the great range of features that are provided by the developers. Telegram is one of the best platforms for communicating with people and even for creating groups related to your work. Moreover, Telegram can be also used for entertainment.

If we talk about creating chats for work where are many people chatting at one time, you may miss something important. In this case, the best solution is to pin the message. However, after some period of time, the message would already be old and you’ll need to pin a fresh one. Don’t worry, you can unpin the previous messages to have a place for a new one

How to pin another message in Telegram

Imagine a situation, your workgroup is based on the Telegram service and your chief has informed you about something important, but because of many questions of your colleagues, the message has been lost and you may even don’t notice it due to the speed of new messages coming. The best way is to pin the message. In this case, the most important information would be separated.

However, when the event has already finished, there would definitely be another one instead. sometimes it may be confusing and users don’t understand which event has already been completed and which one only going to be started. In this case, the best solution would be to unpin the precious messages. There’s nothing difficult in the process.

So, as I said before, Telegram’s developers have done everything to care about the comfort of their users. You can even send a scheduled message in case you’ll be busy all day long.

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How to unpin the message in Telegram

To unpin the message you won’t need to do some special efforts. The main thing is to know how to do that and everything would be fine.

So, if you want to unpin the message in Telegram, you should follow the prompts which would be displayed in the section below:

  • First of all, you should switch on your phone and head to the Telegram app.
  • After that, you should find the chat with the person or group where you need to unpin the message and click on it.
  • Then, you should look at the top of the chat and the message would be displayed under the name, you should click on the “x” icon.
  • There would be a pop-up displayed, you should click “Unpin“.

There’s one more way if it’s easy for you to find the message which was pinned in the chat. So, to unpin it you should follow the prompts which would be mentioned in the section below:

  • First of all, you should switch on your phone and head to the Telegram app.
    After that, you should find the chat with the person or group where you need to unpin the message and click on it.
  • Then, you should click and hold the message in the chat.
  • There would be some message options displayed.
  • To complete the process, you should choose the “Unpin” option.

Since then, the message would be unpinned. However, if you need to inform again about something important, you should pin the message.

How to renew a pinned message

Sometimes, there may be some situations when you’ve accidentally unpinned the message. You don’t need to worry, even though it’s not so straightforward sometimes to pin it back, but there’s a way. There are two methods.

  • So, if you have accidentally unpinned the message and you’ve noticed it, you can click on the “Undo” option.

In case you didn’t notice in time that the message has been unpinned and the “Undo” option isn’t available, you should follow the prompts which would be mentioned in the section below:

  • First of all, you should click and open that chat where the message was.
  • After that, you should click and hold the name of your interlocutor to open the “Search” option.
  • Then, you should fill in the keywords of the message in a special text field. If you need, you can use the arrows to search for the message.
  • To complete the process when the message would be found, tap it and select the “Pin” option.

Since then, the message would be found and pinned back. In addition to this, it’s also possible to edit and change the messages.

How to unpin a chat in Telegram

Sometimes, there may be a situation when you need to unpin one chat to pin another one, as there is a limit of pinned chats in Telegram

So, if you want to unpin a chat, you should follow the prompts which would be mentioned in the section below:

  • First of all, you should switch on your phone and open the Telegram app.
  • After that, you should find the chat which you want to unpin and click and hold it for a while.
  • There would be a pop-up displayed with the chat options.
  • To complete the process, you should select the “Unpin” option.

Since then, the chat would be unpinned.

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Whether you need to be an administrator to pin the message or not

Since some people often think that you need to be an administrator of the chat to pin the message, that’s not fully true. The possibility to pin a message in the group depends on its type. If you’re involved in the Public group, only the administrator can pin the messages. However, anyway, the administrator except for messages is able to do many things. He/she is almost the creator of the chat. However, only the creator can make someone an administrator.

Even though the creator of the channel is able to do many things, the admin also has many responsibilities.

So, Telegram really has a great variety of functions for typical users and for the owner of the channels. The interface has been also done quite simply, so the creators have cared about their users a lot.

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