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The quality problems of manufacturing washing machines 2010-2019, why washing machines...

Since 2000, many buyers began to complain about the manufacturing quality of washing machines. Washing machines that were previously very reliable, ceased to be...

Differences between matrices of the same type, in TVs, monitors, laptops...

A lot of articles have been written about how the matrixes of TN, VA, IPS, OLED screens differ. We will not go into details...

Vizio TV parameter effective update 60Hz, 120Hz, 240Hz explained

Many TV manufacturers use various parameters to characterize the image quality on their screens. One of these parameters, developed by Vizio, is the "Effective...

TVs 2019: review of models LG, Samsung, Sony, Vizio, Panasonic, Sharp

In 2019, TV manufacturers showcased significant advancements in technology, introducing new lineups that cater to the needs of modern users. Key trends include the...

Samsung TV comparison chart 2018 Europa, US, Australia

Samsung TV comparison Chart 2018 Samsung TVs in 2018, traditionally new models of TVs represent in the second quarter. We will compare all Samsung...

VarioSoft drum vs VarioDrum, Bosch washing machines explained

One of the advantages of Bosch washing machines is called the special shape of the drum in which the laundry is washed. The improved...

Model Number of washing machines Siemens 2014-2020 explanation

The designation of the Siemens washing machine model number is similar to that of Bosch washing machines, and this is understandable because both brands...

LG 2018 TV comparison chart, view all LG 2018 TV models

LG TV line 2018 2018, LG TVs are featured on LG's official websites, as before TVs in 2018 are divided into the following categories or...

Warranty on refrigeration compressors 6-10 years, does it need?

Periodicamente, os fabricantes de refrigeradores, para anunciar e tentar atrair compradores, apresentam várias promoções, por exemplo, um aumento na garantia padrão (estabelecida por lei)...

LG refrigerator type InstaView Door in Door vs Door in Door...

What is Door in Door LG has issued a patent for InstaView ™ and Door-in-Door® used in LG refrigerators. Refrigerators are manufactured with Door-in-Door technology...