How do I decipher the serial number of my LG TV? Every TV has a serial number, this number is unique and is never repeated. With LG televisions, the serial number is not only unique, but it also contains information about the factory where the television was made and the date of its production. Of course, before you can work with the serial number, you have to find it first.
Why you need a TV serial number
Now on to why you might need a TV serial number. Let’s look at a few ways in which you might need a TV serial number.
- When you call a service center, you may be asked for the serial number of your TV so you can check it against the TV’s production database.
- You can register your TV yourself on the LG website, for example, in the US. in the UK. . If you register your TV on the LG website, it will reduce the time it takes to identify your TV in case you call customer service.
Well for repairs, it’s understandable that you need a serial number to prepare for repairs, but why register your TV on LG’s website. Like I said, it makes it easier to communicate when contacting customer service. And it also allows you to get LG information, they will know a lot of information about you, email, your phone number, residential (shipping) address. This allows you to both keep statistics and use the information for marketing purposes, with your consent, of course.
How to find LG TV serial number
Search for LG TV serial number and SVC code.
You should know that you can find the TV serial number and product code in several ways. The most common are on the TV itself, through the TV menu and on the box you bought the TV in, of course, if you still have it. Now for more details on how to find the LG serial number.
LG serial number lookup on your TV
There is always a sticker on the back of the TV with all the information about the TV. This information sticker is a must and is necessary so that you can find out the serial number and model number of the TV in any case, even if the TV is defective. Of course, sometimes it’s not the best way to find out information about your TV, especially if it’s mounted on the wall. But it works 100%, you will always find all the information you need about your TV there. You can see an example of an information sticker below.

LG serial number lookup in menu TV
Also, you can always find the serial number and model number of your TV in the TV menu, as long as the TV is in good working order and you can operate it. There are several steps to find the serial number of your TV and how to find the correct TV serial number depends on the year of manufacture of the TV.
LG serial number lookup in menu TV 2015-2022
New TVs have two ways to find the TV serial number. The first way is the simplified way and the second way is more time consuming.
The simplified way is to quickly search for information about your LG TV. With the TV on, press the mute button 3 times in a row and the model information will appear on the screen.
A more complicated way is to find the serial number through the TV menu. Press Menu, then Support, the TV information will appear on the screen, press the model number that says hard reset underneath. You will see the serial number of your TV.

Depending on the OS version, the serial number search may be a little different than what I gave you, but the direction is right, I think you’ll be able to navigate and find the information you need.
LG serial number lookup in menu old TV
For older models press the ‘Home‘ button > select ‘Settings‘ (or ‘Setup‘) > select ‘Support Menu‘ > highlight ‘Product/Service Info‘ > press ‘OK‘ button
LG serial number check
You can check the LG serial number when you register your LG TV on the LG website. During registration, the serial number is looked up in the LG database, if the serial number is found in the database, you can register the TV. Whether you need to check the serial number, I do not see the point, but in some countries in Latin America Asia, produce fake LG TVs. But such a TV is quite easy to identify by the operating system and the lack of LG applications.
What does the serial number and SVC in LG TV mean?
LG TV serial number, SVC TV LG, meaning explanation
The serial number of the LG TV, although it does not carry much information, nevertheless allows you to find out the exact date of manufacture of the TV, of course not exactly exact, with details up to the month, as well as in what country it was assembled. Other information about the TV, although there is in the serial number, but is not available to the average user. It is intended for service centers and quality control of TV components. For example, from the serial number you can find out the batch of components, for example, screens. And when the user contacts the service centers, the repair information can be tracked for further analysis and quality control.
Read also: LG TV models number explained 2011-2022;
What is the SVC code (service code)
The TV is also assigned an SVC (Service Code) or product code. This code is required by the service centers in case the TV is repaired. The service code contains information about the TV model, which components are used to assemble the TV, and the country or region for which the TV was manufactured. This information is practically unnecessary for users. The only useful information in the product code indicates the country for which the TV was assembled. There may be software differences between TVs for different countries.
LG TV serial number decoder mean, explained

Serial number, TV LG 604RMMD8U923 explain, decode
LG manufacture date from serial number
The first digit is the year of production of the TV, denoted by one digit.
- 9 – 2009, 2019, 2029
- 8 – 2008, 2018, 2028
- 7 – 2007, 2017, 2027
- 6 – 2006, 2016, 2026
- 5 – 2005, 2015, 2025
- 4 – 2004, 2014, 2024
- 3 – 2003, 2013, 2023
- 2 – 2002, 2012, 2022
- 1 – 2001, 2011, 2021
- 0 – 2000, 2010, 2020
The next two digits indicate the month in which the 604RMMD8U923 TV was manufactured.
What country is my LG TV made in?
RM – The code of the factory where the TV was assembled. LG’s TV manufacturing plants are assigned the following codes
- RM – Mexico
- MX – Mexico
- MA – Poland
- WR – Poland
- IN – Indonesia
- RN – Korea
- KC – Korea
- RA – Russia
- ND – China
MD8U923 – The designation contains information about which line the TV was assembled on and on which shift, as well as other symbols that make the TV number unique.
Serial numbers on televisions are not just numbers, the serial numbers are registered on the manufacturer’s website by the users themselves, and the list of serial numbers is entered into the service database. And when you contact a repair service, the serial number determines what country the TV was manufactured for and whether it is eligible for warranty repair. The serial numbers are used by manufacturers to control the quality of TVs in their factories.
SVC code LG TVs decode

- OLED55B6P – TV model
- U – can consist of two letters, indicates the region for which the TV is made. For example, America, Europe, Asia, Oceania.
- BUSWLJR – code containing the following information
- B – Supplier of electronic components for TV production.
- US The country for which the TV is manufactured. The country designation usually corresponds to the international standard country abbreviation. In this case, it is the United States. But if the TV is produced for more than one country, the designation may be different, e.g. for Europe, the designation EU (European Union) is used.
- WLJR – Information about which company made the display, as well as information from other manufacturers of TV components.
Mine monitor say 27UP650-WK.
I wounder what the K means? Does anyone know?
Thank you.
This is an original board (EBU66318902 this is the part number from the LG spare parts catalog) for LG TVs used in LG TV models
I took the tv to repair i still have the warranty.
Can you tell me if you know this model of motherboard and if its the same as original ?
This number was also on the bill of repair: EBU66318902 as the name of the board.
Thank you.
I haven’t encountered any viruses in TVs. I don’t know if the motherboard was changed at your house or if you took the TV in for repair. But apparently now you see the model number of the motherboard and the serial number of the board, not the TV after replacement.
I have OLED65C15LA
They replaced motherboard.
On the bill it says OLED65C11B LG.
But on my TV info it says
what did they give me?
I have a OLED65C15LA.
Serial 205MAHU9VS05.
After 5 months tv started turning on and off by itself.They said i had a virus. So they replaced the motherboard.
On the bill it says OLED65C11B LG but when i look the info on my TV its.
:Model name:KEYOFB8313F
serial :MZ2ON1037ZFF
Can you please explain what did they put in my tv.
Thank you.
It is difficult to say exactly what the problem could be. Maybe the WiFi module in the TV is defective. Try the following, turn on the access point on your phone and connect the TV to your phone. If you are unsuccessful, the WiFi on the TV is defective.
i having problems connecting my wifi to my model 65LW6500-UA
LG TV serial # 109RMCJ8H323
trying to access setting can get into network I have the orgional remote. Can some one help me? Thanks
32LP500BPTA – model 2021 for Africa, yes, it’s an LED TV.
How much is 32LP500BPTA and when was it manufactured as well as is it a LED TV
There will not be 100% compatibility
55uk6300PPE – digital tuner standard ISDB-T
55uk6300PUE – digital tuner standard DVB
you will not be able to watch digital terrestrial broadcasts
These basic boards are for different regions PPE for the Philippines, PUE for Europe. There may also be other differences that we don’t know about, such as Smart TV region support . I would not recommend this kind of swap.
Please help.
My lg tv model 55uk6300PPE.APHTLJD…and has a problem with the main board. Would it be possible to replace with the main board from LG model 55uk6300PUE.AUSTLOR?
Cases where the serial number may not match.
1. The TV main board has been replaced (TV repair).
2. The TV has a back panel from another TV.
If the model number is the same and the date of manufacture in the TV set-up is later than on the back of the TV, the TV has probably been repaired.
I am Lost…The Serial Number Written at the Back Of My TV Is Different From The One In The TV information….Did I Get A Fake LG TV?
TV generation – A (first generation)
The country for which the TV is made, ME – ?
SLJD – information about components
if tv is 50NANO80VPA.AMESLJD
What does AMESLJD mean?
Yes LG makes 49 inch TVs, check out LG’s website.
Does LG smart TV have 49 inches for smart TVs?
Model 49uk6400. (UK) -2018
SN 105fnwt00257 – 1 (2021) 05 – May This is wrong production of TV models 2018 discontinued in 2019. It could be a fake.
Please I want to understand. Model :49uk6400.serial number is 105fnwt00257.please clarify me. Thanks
Bohužel nevím.
Dobrý den,
BUSWLJR – kód, který obsahuje následující informace
B – Dodavatel elektroniky pro TV.
USA jsou zemí, pro kterou se televize vyrábí. Označení země obecně odpovídá mezinárodní standardní zkratce dané země. V tomto případě USA. Pokud je však televizor vyroben pro několik zemí, může se toto označení lišit, například pro Evropu se používá označení EU.
WLJR – typ výrobce maticových obrazovek, stejně jako BUSWLJR – kód, který obsahuje následující informace
B – Dodavatel elektroniky pro TV.
USA jsou zemí, pro kterou se televize vyrábí. Označení země obecně odpovídá mezinárodní standardní zkratce dané země. V tomto případě USA. Pokud je však televizor vyroben pro několik zemí, může se toto označení lišit, například pro Evropu se používá označení EU.
WLJR – typ výrobce maticových obrazovek, stejně jako informace od jiných výrobců komponentů pro televizi.
Přečet jsem si a děkuji, no chtěl bych požádat o informaci u mé tv je označení BEUGLJP, 1) zda je možné zjistit kdo je dodavatel elektroniky označení B. A 2) informace od jiných výrobců komponentů pro televizi konkrétně GLJP kdo a jaké komponenty dodává, identifikace GLJP.
Děkuji a hezký den přeje
Ludovít Barut
This is a discrepancy between the screen model in the settings and the one actually installed. Unfortunately, I can’t help in this case.
Thanks. The article was helpful. Now I’m left with decoding EZ2Y660 and I’m done.
Hi, I’m working with a 55LB5900-UV set. I changed the main board, and the display looks like an old IBM CGA screen. I’m into the service menus, but I’m not sure what all the settings should be.
Can I get a translation on my service code?
I see B is the electronics manufacturer, and it was made in the US, but I don’t know if the information in the “CLJR” part will help me.
This is one of LG’s first LCD TVs, HD screen resolution. Heavy because the screen matrixes were imperfect and had great thickness and weight.
My LG TV was manufactured in October 2006, model 37LC2D-UE and serial # 610MXDM2X690. I found it and it’s heavy compared to the light weight flats nowadays. What kind is it LCD? I am in the process of breaking it down and cleaning all connections and hoping it powers up. Someone had thrown it out to the curb and it was raining when I loaded it my truck. I’ll let it acclamate and dry for a week before powering it up. Educate me please.
Monty Carlow (
Yes, this is the first OLED TV LG.
You’re a little wrong. 009
0 – 2020
09 – month of September
IN – Indonesia
Thank you for a prompt response. I getting hard time to understand this serial number and model number. TV I was shown has a serial number 009INXJ2C290 at the back of the TV which means was made in 2019. Then in a TV settings, shows TV model is 55NANO80VNA
which means was made in 2020.
Which one should I take into consideration?
Made in which country?
Which country is the assembly?
What’s the model of this tv means?
How I can check if this is OLED or not?
model 2016
What’s the model of this 42LH30-UA
LG TV models number explained LED, OLED 2011-2020
LM630BPUA – 2019
Please what’s year of production of this TV. LM630BPUA
We recommend you to read our article LG TV models number explained LED, OLED 2011-2020
55 – diagonal inch
K – model 2018
6 – series
0 – model
00 – Modification
P – basic model
С – digital tuner DTMB (China)
A – Design
006NZMM03379 TV set made in June 2020
But this is most likely a non-original LG TV. By the following signs,
1) LG does not indicate the day of production, only the month.
2. LG does not produce models of TV sets for more than one year. Production of televisions in 2018, ceased in the spring of 2019.
3. LG even for China prints the label in English.
This is a replica of LG TV
G004204043FF is the serial number of the main board.
Thank you for a prompt response. I getting hard time to understand this serial number and model number. TV I was shown has a serial number 006NZMM03379 at the back of the TV which means was made in 2010. Then in a TV settings, shows TV model is 55UK62000PCA which means was made in 2016. Which one should I take into consideration?
0 – 2010
06 – June
NZ- China
MM03379 – serial number
006NZMM03379, here is the TV code, seems is old version as you said (2010), cant figure out is from which country. Help me please
It may be a very old TV set, and it is impossible to know the model number of the TV set from the serial number. We do not know the serial number you specified.
LG TV with serial number G004204043FF is which model, produced when and from which country?
Yes KK is made in Korea, previously this factory (or production line) assembled monitors with TV tuners for Korea. It is quite possible that now TVs are also assembled there.
Most likely, the TV was assembled in Vietnam.
Since 2019, Samsung stopped assembling TVs in Korea. Plants have been moved to Asian countries, one of the most promising countries for manufacturers, Vietnam.
actually i want to know,is KK in the serial number sign of keran products?
the tv model is lg tv 49sm8100pva
Simple look at the label glued to the back of the TV. Samsung indicates in which country the TV is assembled. If the label is missing, tell us what model number your TV has.
which country assembel it?
0 – 2010 or 2020 year
06 – June
MF – we don’t know which country the TV is assembled in.
Serial number on my LG TV is
006MFSG00454. Is it original?