In November 2014, LG Electronics announced the launch of the LG G Watch R, a smartwatch designed for practicality and style. The device runs on Android Wear, Google’s operating system for wearables, and offers features like music syncing, notification management, and weather updates. The watch is compatible with Android smartphones running version 4.3 or later, such as the LG G3, by downloading the Android Wear app from Google Play™.

Availability and Pricing

The LG G Watch R became available on November 14, 2014, through Sprint’s sales channels, including stores, online sales, and telesales. The smartwatch was priced at $299.99. Sprint also offered a financing option through its Easy Pay™ program, allowing eligible customers to pay in 12 monthly installments of $25 with $0 down (plus tax).

Key Features

  • Full Circle P-OLED Display:
    The watch features a circular Plastic OLED display, providing bright, sharp visuals while using the entire watch face.
  • Classic Design:
    The watch has a durable metal finish and a 22mm leather strap that can be swapped for other options. Users can also customize the watch face for different looks.
  • Fitness Tracking:
    The G Watch R includes step tracking and heart rate monitoring, making it suitable for various activities. Its 410mAh battery provides a reliable power supply for daily use.
  • Voice Commands:
    The watch supports Google’s voice commands, recognizing 11 commands in nine languages for quick access to information.
  • Durability:
    With an IP67 certification, the G Watch R is resistant to water and dust, ensuring durability in different environments.

About Sprint

Sprint, a major telecommunications provider in 2014, offered innovative services, including wireless 4G. Sprint’s network supported the connectivity of devices like the LG G Watch R, allowing users to stay connected to social media, calendars, and apps.

About LG Electronics MobileComm USA, Inc.

LG Electronics MobileComm USA, Inc. is the U.S. sales arm of LG’s Mobile Communications Company. Known for its expertise in display, battery, and camera technologies, LG creates products with user-friendly designs and features. The LG G Watch R reflects LG’s focus on functionality and style in wearable technology.

The LG G Watch R is a smartwatch combining practical features with a sleek design, meeting the needs of users looking for both utility and aesthetics in 2014.

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