There was a time when you could find several brochures in a TV box, sometimes quite thick. But now you won’t find any manuals in the box with the TV; in some countries, legislation requires paper manuals with the device, but in most cases, the manual is no longer included in the box with the TV. Nowadays, Smart TVs have so many features that manuals have turned into entire books; for example, the latest manual is 260 pages long; it’s a medium-sized book. So I did a little survey, and 90% of TV buyers only use the assembly manual, which is a few pages long and comes with the TV. But only some people ever used the owner’s manual for the TV features if it was in the box with the TV. Now everything has moved to the Internet, so the manual can be found online, where most people look for information. And in the second case, the manual is in the TV’s memory, and you can call it up on the screen.
Search for instructions on the official website
This is the preferred way; if you need to set something up, it’s much more convenient to read the manual on another device and set up the TV simultaneously.
To find the manual for your TV model, first, find the model number of your TV. This is important because the manual may be different depending on your TV model. Also, searching for manuals on the website has multiple paths, and sometimes you need help when searching for manuals.
- Click on the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the Samsung site. A search box will open; start typing in the model number, and you will be shown the available TV models; if you see your model, click on it.
- The TV model description will open; if your TV is older than five years old, the TV description will not be shown.
- Click on support; you will be taken to the end of the page, where you will find the most popular instructions or warranty information. If you are unhappy with this and need more information, click SEE ALL SUPPORT. You will be presented with unnecessary information, ads, and answers to the most popular questions. Go to the end of the page; there, you will find Find Resources. In the resource center, you can find manuals, drivers, and software; go to that section.
- Suppose your TV has multiple modifications, and there are differences between them. In that case, you will have to select the TV model you want.
A list of available downloads, Manuals, installation instructions, and software updates will open in front of you. Instructions may be available in different languages or be multilingual. Download the manual you need.






I need help finding the TV model on the Samsung website.
This can only happen if you search on the wrong Samsung regional site. For example, if you bought a TV in the U.S. but are in Canada, the Samsung website for Canada will open for you by default. There are many European countries and TV models, and people often need help finding their model TVs.
Do the following: type the full name of the TV model into a Google search, be sure to type Samsung first; a search list will open up for you, and find the official Samsung website ( You will find out which site can find your TV model. To understand: is the site for the U.S. is the site for Canada is the German site is the Austrian site
How to open the user manual on your TV
The electronic user menu is also available on the TV. It is in the menu, Support. The path to the menu item may vary depending on the model of your TV, there are two paths for TVs before 2021 and after 2021.
Finding the Electronic User Manual for TVs before 2021
Go to “menu” → “settings” → “all settings” → “support” – “open e-Manual.”
Search for the electronic user manual on TVs after 2022

Press “Home” → “Settings” → “Support” → “open E-Manual” on the remote control
Depending on the menu, the search for the e-Manual will be different. Still, you should be guided by the following, you need to search in the support menu, and there you will find access to the e-Manual. But as I said, this search for the manual is not practical; you have to remember how and what to do and then look for these items in the menu.