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iPad models by Year (2010-2024)

The launch of the iPad in 2010 was a pivotal moment in the evolution of electronic devices, introducing a new tablet whose success was...

HP Printers: product lines, series, who makes

HP offers printers to meet the needs of users ranging from personal and home office to business environments. Each printer series is designed to...

HP Monitors: product lines, series, who makes

You might think that HP monitors are made and designed by HP. But you would be wrong; it has been a long time since...

Who makes HP products, laptop, computer, printer

HP (Hewlett-Packard) stands out in electronics, especially for its wide range of computing devices. The company offers a wide range of products, focusing on...

Philips TV remote not working, a solution to the problem

We recommend using the following algorithm to troubleshoot Philips smart remotes, which mainly communicate with TVs via Bluetooth. The process involves resetting the...

Samsung TV and viruses, risk of infection

In 2019, there was an event that caused a significant uproar in the consumer electronics industry. Samsung announced that Samsung Smart TVs were susceptible...

Apple Retina vs Liquid Retina vs Super Retina: The differences

What is the Retina display in Apple: Oddly enough, the question of what the difference between the iPhones and iPads screen types has...

What is Filmmaker Mode on TVs

A brief explanation of what Filmmaker Mode is: this is a preset mode on the TV; when you turn on this mode, all additional...

Insignia TV Model Number 2012-2024 explained

The extensive article "Who Manufactures Insignia TVs" details Insignia TVs. However, for those who are intrigued by the nuances of model numbers and additional...

Who makes Insignia TVs – here’s what you need to know

Asserting Insignia TVs' manufacturing origins and partnerships requires a nuanced understanding of global electronics manufacturing, brand licensing, and operational dynamics in the industry....