In June 2015, LG unexpectedly changed the image quality index, if previously it was called the MCI (Motion Clarity Index) and was initially denoted in Hertz. But then the hertz designation disappeared, as it was entirely out of line with reality. In early 2015, televisions also had an MCI index, but in June, LG removed the MCI index and introduced the PMI Picture Improving Index (Picture Mastering Index). 

What is the Picture Mastering Index 

According to the manufacturer’s idea, the index is supposed to represent the quality of the picture on the TV screen. On the one hand, it is like giving the TV 10 stars for picture quality and technical capabilities. Naturally, cheap models with the most straightforward matrix and low-power processors will get two stars. And if it is an OLED TV, then 9 or 10 stars. 

Picture Mastering Index: This is LG’s TV ranking index 

What the Picture Mastering Index means

When the index was first invented, it had a value of up to 2,000 units; in 2019, the index is now 4,000 units. Each year, the index increases to show that televisions are getting better.

In reality, this index means absolutely nothing. For example, in the U.S., LG televisions do not use it because the manufacturer cannot explain how it is calculated. If it is made up, then in case of lawsuits, it is possible to prove that the manufacturer is deceiving customers. LG didn’t even register this trademark in the United States. The index has been used in some countries. 

The manufacturer says that a TV with an index of 3000 is better than a TV with an index of 2000. But that doesn’t mean that the TV with an index of 2000 shows worse. It just has a simpler processor or sounds without a subwoofer.

Let’s say the Picture Mastering Index shows the buyer that a TV with a higher PMI index has some features that make it better.

 PMI to Hz Converter. 

Many people wonder how to convert PMI to Hertz; you should know there is no such converter; modern televisions can show a picture at up to 144 Hz. Since PMI is a virtual index, which is somehow calculated by LG, considering many factors, only LG marketers know how to calculate this index, and most likely none at all. 

But the situation in 2019 is that if a TV has a PMI of up to 2200 units. That is, this TV has a 50/60Hz matrix. If the index is more than 2,200 units, the TV is equipped with a 100/120Hz matrix. Since 2020 LG has stopped using this index for their TVs; well, it is tough to explain this index with indicators of several thousand units. 

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