Samsung registered the Active Crystal Color trademark in 2016, having started the registration process in December 2015. This coincided with the launch of the QLED TV series. Samsung later introduced a more affordable line of Crystal TVs. Over time, for marketing reasons, the technology names need to evolve to maintain novelty, which led to a second version, Dynamic Crystal Color.

Essentially, Active Crystal Color and Dynamic Crystal Color are just marketing terms used in some Samsung TVs. Starting in 2023, these technologies can be found in the budget Crystal series TVs.

What is Crystal Color technology?

First and foremost, Crystal Color is not a technology—it’s a marketing term designed to present an entry-level TV in a more appealing way. These TVs typically feature a low-power processor and an affordable display, usually an 8-bit panel with FRC technology, which simulates a broader color spectrum. To make the product seem more advanced, manufacturers assign it an eye-catching name, creating the illusion of something unique rather than a budget-friendly model. In reality, Crystal Color is simply a software-based enhancement that optimizes images to suit lower-end displays.

How does Crystal Color work?

Samsung TVs featuring Crystal Color are equipped with an image processing algorithm tailored for standard displays. Its primary role is to boost brightness and contrast. Once the TV receives and processes the video signal, the software further enhances the image by intensifying colors and contrast levels. The result? A brighter, more vibrant picture that gives the impression of a higher-quality display than the hardware alone would provide.

Dynamic Crystal Color and Active Crystal Color, the latest considerations

We remain skeptical about the explanations found on official websites regarding Dynamic Crystal Color and Active Crystal Color technologies. Take, for instance, the description of Dynamic Crystal Color found on Samsung’s Canadian website:

Since it’s clear this is merely a marketing slogan with little substance, let’s break it down piece by piece:

  • “Realistic color in its purest form is created using tiny crystals” – In reality, LED TV pixels contain a liquid crystal substance. Each pixel acts as a filter, allowing red, blue, or green light to pass through. Crystal series TVs use older display technology, which struggles to accurately reproduce subtle color variations.
  • “Another level of UHD with advanced phosphor technology”Phosphors are used in the LED backlight of TVs, but as seen in Samsung’s Crystal series, the backlight quality is far from premium.
  • “Immerse yourself in a picture with a billion shades of color” – A bold claim, but one that is difficult to verify. However, if you compare a Dynamic Crystal Color TV to a QLED model side by side, the difference in picture quality becomes obvious.
  • “Dynamic Crystal Color provides realistic variations, allowing you to see every subtlety” – This is technically true. High-resolution TVs do reveal fine details, but this isn’t exclusive to Dynamic Crystal Color—it’s simply a result of modern high-resolution panels.

Marketers craft slogans that contain a grain of truth to avoid misleading claims outright, yet these statements are far from reality.

If you own a TV with Dynamic Crystal Color or Active Crystal Color, it’s a budget model with an average picture quality—nothing more, nothing less.

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  1. […] Experience the most vibrant colors from every angle of the curved monitor with Samsung’s very own Crystal Color Technology and all the bright whites and deep blacks of the picture with a solid contrast of […]


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