Design LG TV OLED65W7P vs OLED65G7P vs OLED65E7P vs OLED65C7P vs...
TV LG appearance W7, G7, E7, C7, B7
LG offers a series of TVs with OLED screens.
There is a...
TV LG 55EG9A7V review, differences.
In 2017 LG offered the model of the TV 55EG9A7V, this model is positioned as a novelty in 2017. Advantages, delicate design, use of...
TV LG OLED65W7V, OLED65G7V vs OLED65E7V, OLED65C7V vs OLED65B7B (Europe)
LG offers a series of TVs with OLED screens.
There is a natural question, and what is the difference between TV...
Motion blur TV mean explained
Motion blur is a parameter that is not specified by TV manufacturers. This is quite an important parameter, but they do not like to...
TV rating May 2017
LG published a rating of TVs available for sale in May 2017. This rating is compiled by Consumer Reports on the basis of a...
Review of Samsung TVs 2017
Samsung 2017 TV review
It is not difficult to understand the variety of Samsung TVs. There are series of TVs from 5 to 9 series....
Inverter washing machine, Inverter refrigerator, Inverter air conditioner
What is an inverter motor or compressor
An inverter motor or compressor implies that it does not use mains voltage to operate. Stabilized secondary voltages...
Ports on TV, TVs connectors use explained
Time passes, ports for connecting external devices to the TV are improved. So almost disappeared scart connector, because of the reduction in the thickness...
LG TV SUPER UHD, 65SJ8000 vs 65SJ8500 vs 75SJ8570 vs 65SJ9500...
The LG Super UHD series includes several models, such as the 65SJ8000, 65SJ8500, 65SJ8570, 65SJ9500, and 65SJ9570. These models are part of the Super...
LG TV super UHD 4K 2017 mean explained
LG applied the Super name to its televisions and brought these televisions into a separate Super lineup in 2016. The difference between these TVs...