Perfect Motion Rate Philips

Actually, the perfect motion rate is a virtual index invented by Philips for ranking TVs. It has nothing to do with the real frame rate on the TV screen. To some extent, this index is misleading to users because it really does not show anything. Modern TVs can show video at a maximum frequency of up to 120 frames per second.

Perfect Motion Rate

Perfect Motion Rate (PMR) It delivers incredible image clarity even for dynamic scenes. The new standard PMR from Philips – a combination of the effects of the fastest panel refresh rate, Perfect Natural Motion features and unique processing formula, for unprecedented motion sharpness.

To measure the smoothness, naturalness and accuracy of movements on the TV screen, the Philips developed its own standard-definition display of dynamic scenes – PMR. Perfect Motion Rate – this total figure, which takes into account our unique video processing, the number of frames per second refresh rate of each frame, dimming backlight technology and quality. The higher PMR, the higher the contrast and clarity of moving images, and therefore, the better the image quality in general

This technology does not differ from those of other manufacturers.

What is Perfect Motion Rate (PMR)

In fact, this is just marketing. Televisions can not show more than 120 frames per second at least as of 2019.120pmr, 240pmr, 800pmr, 1000pmr, 1300pmr, 1400pmr are assigned to televisions in the following order. The more the index, the TV has great features.

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