Despite the rather short lifespan of Disney plus, as of mid-2021, more than 100 million people had subscribed to Disney +. This makes Disney plus one of the fastest growing video streaming services. You can watch Disney + on many different devices, Disney is compatible with many platforms and services. But you have to agree, the most watched Disney plus is on TV, the TV is the most suitable device to watch videos.

Which televisions support Disney plus

Despite the desire of content producers and TV manufacturers to make as many compatible devices as possible, for one reason or another there are TVs that do not support Disney plus. It can be noted that if you have a TV manufactured in 2016 or later it will most likely support Disney Plus.

Which LG televisions support Disney PLus

LG televisions support Disney Plus if they are made starting in 2016. These are TVs with WEB OS 3.0 or higher. These are all OLED, Nano and other TV models with letters in the model number P, N, M, K, J, H. For more information on LG TV model numbers and how to determine the year of manufacture of your TV, read the article, LG TV Model Number 2011-2021. If you have a TV with the NetCast operating system, the Disney+ app is not supported, these are LG TVs before 2011 and some TV models before 2020. Please note that it is not possible to view Disney Plus using the built-in browser. The built-in browser does not work with Disney Plus.

Which Samsung TVs support Disney PLus

Samsung TVs support Disney Plus from 2016 and newer. These are TVs with the Tizen operating system. These are all models of Samsung’s The Frame, The Serif, The Terrace, The Sero, and QLED series TVs. For Samsung LED TVs, the model number should have the letter A, T, R, N, M, K. For more details on how to determine the year of development of your Samsung TV, read the article Samsung TV Model Number 2002-2021 QLED, LED, LifeStyle. The built-in browser on your TV does not support viewing Disney+.

Which Sony, Panasonic, Vizio, TCL, Philips, Hisense, Sharp TVs support Disney Plus?

All of these televisions use the Android platform. The Android platform supports Disney Plus starting with Android version 5.0 (Lollipop). These are TVs from 2016 onward. With Android TVs, it’s very simple, if you found Disney+ in the app store and were able to install, your TV supports Disney+. Note that in addition to operating system support, the TV manufacturer must coordinate support for the app with all interested parties. Therefore, some TVs manufactured after 2016 may not support Disney+

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